Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Southpark Scenario...

From the New York Times...

Romney Exits, Saying He Has to ‘Stand Aside for Our Party’

Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who sought to position himself as the true conservative choice for the Republican presidential nomination, announced Thursday afternoon that he had ended his campaign.

His chief rival, Senator John McCain of Arizona, congratulated Mr. Romney on his efforts and reached out to conservative voters who had thrown their support to the former governor and whose support, Mr. McCain said, was “indispensable to the success of our party.”

So, the last remaining viable pseudo-conservative candidate has dropped out of the Presidential race, leaving the Benedict Arnold of modern politics as the standard-bearer of the Republican Party.

"What about McCain's voting record? How far right does he have to be?!?" says the other side...

My problem with McCain is not that he is not far enough to the right. He has sometimes voted for the right stuff, he says that he has all the right positions on the issues...

My problem with McCain is that he is a snivelling little weasel.

He is a political opportunist who has proven that he will side with anybody, say anything, and DO absolutely anything to accumulate power for himself, and if that means flooding America with millions of unskilled workers from other countries and legitimizing them in case they might someday vote for him, then he's okay with that.

If it means teaming up with the sworn enemies of his party, betraying those with whom he claims to agree, and then demanding that they support his presidential bid, then so be it.

If it means ganging up with a handfull of other republicans in the senate and cutting a back-room deal to undermine the power of the republican party and shift the power balance in the senate away from those who were chosen by the American Voters, then that's okay with him.

It's the Southpark Scenario.

The 2008 Presidential Election has come down to the American Voter having to choose between a Giant Douche, and a Turd Sandwich.

Choose wisely...

The future of your children and grandchildren is at stake.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Real Question...

It occured to me today that the question of why Conservatives hate McCain so much that they would rather see Hillary win the White House is the wrong question.

While it is an interesting topic for discussion, it is not the real question...

The real question is this:

Why would Mike Huckabee rather see Hillary Clinton win the White House than Mitt Romney?

Sunday, February 03, 2008

By Special Request...

Rich Bachelor, from whom I haven't heard in several months, asked a question on my last post, and I decided that the answer deserved a complete post of it's own.

"So, what do you make of Ms. Coulter hating McCain so much, she'd vote for Hillary? I understand, but on the other hand... I completely don't understand. What do you think?"

First of all, I do not recall Ms. Coulter stating whether or not she "hates" John McCain. She very well might, but Republicans and Conservatives usually do not base their opposition to a particular candidate on hatred. (Not even Ann Coulter.)

Republicans usually leave that particular motivation to, ahem... other parties.

The problem that Ms. Coulter has, and, for that matter, that I personally have with the idea of John McCain as the standard bearer for the Republican Party is that he is not a Conservative, first of all, and secondly, that he has no loyalty to the Republican Party. As a matter of fact, he seems himself to harbor a certain amount of hatred toward the Republican Party in general, and toward Conservatives in particular.

John McCain has undermined the cause of Conservatism at every turn, for most of his career. He makes a habit of collaborating with the most outspoken enemies of the Republican Party, and drafting and sponsoring legislation (McCain/Finegold, McCain/Kennedy, McCain/Leiberman...) which is diametrically opposed to the ideals which he now claims to embrace, in hopes of getting himself elected to the Presidency.

Also, he either does not understand the U.S. Constitution, has not read it, cannot read it, or does not care what it says. Either way, the outcome is the same. Nothing he has ever proposed is Constitutional, and the last time I checked, the Constitution is still the Law of the Land.

McCain/Finegold is an open-handed slap at the First Ammendment, and the very fact that President Bush signed that turkey into Law is an undeniable illustration of why Moderate Republican Presidents are a bad, bad idea.

The LAST thing this Nation needs is another Republican President who is interested in any way in "getting along with" or "reaching across the aisle to" Democrats.

I am, WE are Republicans and Conservatives precisely because we think that Liberals and Democrats are WRONG. Their very ideals are flawed.

They do not need to be compromised with, reached out to, or included in any way in the solutions to our Country's problems.

They are WRONG.

If they were right, then I/we would agree with them.

To compromise with Democrats is to include an element of WRONG into our solutions.

Democrats and their wrong-ness need to be proven wrong, shown why they are wrong, convinced that they have been wrong, and re-educated until they become Republicans, and therefore, right.

And if they refuse to come around, they need to be ignored, and excluded from the process of solving the problems that we, as a Nation face.

John McCain has no interest in defeating Democrats, or Liberal Ideology.

That makes him unfit to lead the party of Conservatives.

Apparently, everyone's memory is too short to recall that McCain flirted with the idea of switching to the Democrat Party just before "Jumpin' Jim" Jefferds changed himself to an Independent, thereby shifting control of the Senate away from Republicans (the choice of the American Voters), to the Democrats in 2001... Apparently no one can remember the fact that McCain was mentioned as a possible running mate for John F. Kerry in 2004.

Except for me, and Ann Coulter.

Finally, let me state for the record that I did not hear or see Ann Coulter when she stated that she would vote for Hillary over McCain, but I do agree with her.

As a matter of fact, I said it before she did.

If we are going to have Open Borders, Economically ruinous Environmental policies, Socialized Medicine, Higher Taxes, and run-away government growth and spending, then I want the Democrats to own these catastrophies.

Not a Democrat masquerading as a Republican.

I would vote for Hillary over McCain myself.

Not because I think she is a better candidate, they would both be disaterous...

But because I do not want my Party, and the Ideology for which it stands, diluted, perverted, and hijacked, and then blamed for problems for which we are not, and would never have been responsible.

McCain does not deserve, nor will he get my support.

For ANY office.

LEAST of all, the Presidency of the United States.

Hope this helped to clear things up for you, Bachelor.

It was good to hear from you again.