Saturday, July 15, 2006

Slow News Week...

I apologize for the lack of new posts lately...

I've tried to think of a subject to post about, but there just doesn't seem to be anything interesting going on this week.

It almost makes me wish that a War would break out in the Middle East, or that there would be some new information in the Plamegate case, or even that the President would hold a Press Conference explaining the effectiveness of his Tax Cuts...

Something like that.

But then again, it would be irresponsible 0f me to wish for War, or bad news for Democrats, or even for things as boring as Presidential Press Conferences, just for the sake of a Blog Post.

Ho hum...

Maybe soon something interesting will happen, and when it does, I will be right on top of it to offer my wisdom.

I promise to keep my eyes and ears open, so that the minute that interesting things happen in the World, I can bring them to your attention and offer my commentary immediately, if not sooner.

Stay tuned...

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