Friday, June 16, 2006

Uhm, Uhh, Well - I Duh..Ahhh, Ahem...

From the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday:

Wolf: "Murtha wants a redeployment over the next several months. John Kerry wants a redeployment over the next several months. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, does not, but you, Nancy Pelosi, are saying that Democrats and you are more in line with Murtha than with Senator Clinton?"

PELOSI: Well, e-e-exactly. Yeah, no. I don't think -- in the -- in the House there isn't very much support. I don't exactly know what Senator Clinton's position is.

Well, exactly. Yeah, no. You don't think?

At least she's articulate.

That may be the fastest Democrat Flip-Flop I have ever heard.

This is exactly what America needs. More of this type of leadership.

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