Thursday, May 04, 2006


I don't ever want to hear another word about how the Right Wing wants to legislate Morality.

I don't want to hear another single word about how the Right Wing wants to take away everyone's Freedom.

I don't ever want to hear another single word about how the Religious Right is trying to shove their beliefs down people's throats.


Get a load of this...

From World Net Daily...

''Mom,' 'dad' to be axed from school textbooks?

A traditional-values organization in California is warning the state's residents that a bill pending in the Legislature, if approved, could remove all references to gender in public schools – threatening even references to "mom" or "dad" in textbooks.

If the bill, SB 1437, were to become law, warns the
Capitol Resource Institute, "it could potentially require gender-neutral bathrooms in our schools and all references to 'husband' and 'wife' or 'mom and dad' removed from school textbooks as the norm."

Do you still question whether or not traditional Family Values are under assault in America?

Follow the link, and read the story, and think honestly about what this means. Think about the fact that this Bill is actually being debated, and slowly being passed into Law in the most populous State in the United States.

THIS is what the Radical Left thinks of Freedom of Speech.

THIS is what the Radical Left thinks of Family Values.

THIS is what the Radical Left thinks of Freedom of Thought.

Think about that, while thinking is still Legal.

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